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Fandai Huahai is more in line with the standard cylinder engine is very clean
classification:Company news
Release time:2020-08-17 15:09:21
Number of visits:991
[Abstract] on August 7, New Territories pumps (002532, (002532. SZ) disclosed that in the semi annual report of 2020, the operating income was 11.832 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 25.00%; the net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company was 653 million yuan, with a year-on-year increase of 47.59%; the net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company after deducting non recurring profit and loss was 642 million yuan, with a year-on-year increase of

       In the first quarter of 2020, the production and life of the whole society will be greatly slowed down due to the severe impact of the sudden outbreak of new crown epidemic. The price of original aluminum will continue to fall due to the influence of the traditional aluminum consumption off-season. The company actively responded to the impact of Xinguan epidemic and carefully organized the safety production during the epidemic period. All business lines including power generation, primary aluminum, prebaked anode and high-purity aluminum production remained normal, basically unaffected by the epidemic.

      After entering the second quarter, the domestic epidemic situation has been effectively prevented and controlled, and the resumption of work and production has been promoted orderly. Benefited from various national policies to promote production and consumption, aluminum ingot inventory fell rapidly, and the price of aluminum ingot began to rebound gradually. At the end of June, it returned to the peak of 14500 yuan / ton in 2019.

     At the same time, benefited from the smooth commissioning of Jingxi Tiangui alumina project, the cost of alumina required by the company's raw aluminum production has decreased significantly. At the same time, the company also seized the opportunity of the decline of raw and auxiliary material prices in the market in the first half of the year to reduce cost and efficiency and improve operation efficiency. In the first half of the year, the company produced 558600 tons of raw aluminum, 8200 tons of high-purity aluminum, 34000 tons of alumina, 6.67 billion kwh of power generation, and 156000 tons of pre baked anode.

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